The Healing Power of Awareness ~ NEW RELEASE

How to Recover Faster and Less Painfully Using Sentient Awareness
This new book demonstrates the healing power of sentient awareness when applied in concert with surgical procedures and rehabilitation. The benefits to patients often include faster recovery, diminished pain, and reduced chance of relapse or recurrence.
Tom’s new book has an “Ah Ha!” quality to it that can inspire people to just step into the unexplor- ed a bit further and deeper. …

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Interview with Tom Richards, co-author of An Alzheimer’s Surprise Party

Question:  Alzheimer’s disease is devastating for individuals, caregivers, and families. What message does your research have for these folks?
“Our research explores the mystery, and dispels the stigma, of Alzheimer’s dementia by revealing its potential for meaningful communication, intimate relationship, and spiritual healing. We offer hope and meaning in the midst of one of life’s scariest and most difficult processes.”
Question:   How do you do that? How do you work with …

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Classes & News from Stan Tomandl & Ann Jacob

2016 – 2017 Trainings with Ann Jacob and Stan Tomandl
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Anamacara — End of Life  
September 2016 – May 2017
We teach this international course with Marlis Beier, MD + Kevin Dieter, MD
Registration:  Sacred Art of Living Center.  Maryhelen.  541.383.4179
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Grief and Growth through End of Life Transition
September, October, November 2016
Internationally available monthly telephone conference training + supervision class
Registration:  Process Work …

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Eldership and Advocacy in Palliative Care

Exploring Personal Barriers
to Social Action and Spiritual Healing
in Palliative Care Situations
Presented by Tom Richards
International Association of Process Oriented Psychology
IAPOP 2010 Conference
Description of Transcript

This Process Work research paper inspires eldership and practical advocacy in senior care situations and institutions; chronicling facilitation experiences, dilemmas, ghost roles, breakthroughs, and practical recommendations. Personal barriers may include:
●working with a senior on a symptom, relationship issue, or deep inner state of consciousness …

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Training Resource ~ An Alzheimer’s Surprise Party

“Speaking as a professional psychologist, teacher, and trainer, I highly recommend An Alzheimer’s Surprise Party as an exceptional training tool not only for professionals, but also for family members, friends and caregivers.
It is exceptional because Tom and Stan have made it interactive. They do not simply present abstract psychological concepts, but develop detailed reality based personal experiences enhanced with clear concise observations, structure, and …

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Ten Near Death and Coma Work Tips for Helpers and Family

Some of the tips we provide below may be useful for helpers and family who ponder what to do in end of life states. Follow these tips if they are useful, but please don’t use these suggestions as commandments.
Please value feeling skills or meta-skills (feeling attitudes that you bring with your deeply centered presence) as much as skills.
There are no firm procedures and may never be any fixed rules in …

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Coma Work and Palliative Care

Coma Work and Palliative Care is an introductory communication skills manual for people living in delirium, dementia, coma, and end of life processes.
This is a definitive resource for communication techniques and care etiquette in these difficult and sacred situations.
Remote, minimally responsive states of consciousness do not equate with lack of sensitivity. On the contrary, people in these very far out remote states of altered consciousness can be very delicate and …

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Tom Richards

Tom Richards evolved from a corporate executive with thirty-two years of experience in the health care industry, to a mentor, researcher, author, and consultant working with individual health issues, patient advocacy, and people in deep inner states of consciousness. Tom also serves as a Prayer Chaplain, and Prayer Chaplain trainer, for Unity on the North Shore in Evanston, Illinois.
Tom is author of The Healing Power of Awareness: How to Recover …

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Hot Topics for Presentations, Workshops, & Training

Applicable to supporting individuals near death, in coma, or in other remote states such as forgetfulness, depression, dementia, or Alzheimer’s
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New Insights into the Healing Process
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Celebrating the gifts and benefits of intergenerational awareness
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How to recover faster, and less painfully using …

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Sentient Care™

Sentient Care™ is the name of our organization, and our name for the style of sentient awareness facilitation that we practice; learned from its innovators Drs. Amy and Arnold Mindell, founders of Process Oriented Psychology (Process Work).
By sentient we mean being subtly, sensitively, and finely attuned to perceiving minute flickerings of body feelings, movements, sounds, and images that catch our attention.
Sentient awareness explores the messages, the dreaming, and the meaning …

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