Ten Near Death and Coma Work Tips for Helpers and Family

Some of the tips we provide below may be useful for helpers and family who ponder what to do in end of life states. Follow these tips if they are useful, but please don’t use these suggestions as commandments.
Please value feeling skills or meta-skills (feeling attitudes that you bring with your deeply centered presence) as much as skills.
There are no firm procedures and may never be any fixed rules in …

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Coma Work and Palliative Care

Coma Work and Palliative Care is an introductory communication skills manual for people living in delirium, dementia, coma, and end of life processes.
This is a definitive resource for communication techniques and care etiquette in these difficult and sacred situations.
Remote, minimally responsive states of consciousness do not equate with lack of sensitivity. On the contrary, people in these very far out remote states of altered consciousness can be very delicate and …

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Coma and Remote State Directive

The COMA AND REMOTE STATE DIRECTIVE is a legal document; an advance directive, also known as a living will. The intention of this document is to implement your wishes if you are ever concerned with communication and decision making durIng confusion, delirium, stupor, coma, vegetative state, depression, catatonia, dementia, and other remote states of altered consciousness.
This document helps ensure that you receive verbal and nonverbal support for your awareness of …

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Words of appreciation

“He visitado su sitio y lo encuentro excelente. Soy medico especialista en Gerontologia y Geriatria. En estos momentos estoy tratando de verticalizarme en le tema de los trastornos cognitivos, en especifico las dementias. Su sitio web me es de gran utilidad.
Sin mas, agradecida.”
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“Thanks, Tom,  for your precious work and love and sensitivity working with people at the ends of life in situations where normally they are …

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Coma Work ~ One family’s experience with structural coma

A 35 year old man suffers a heart attack causing oxygen deprivation to the brain resulting in diffuse brain damage leaving him in a structural coma and persistent “vegetative state.”
The family is told there is “nobody home” and no hope of any degree of recovery. They are advised to “warehouse” him with a maintenance care order only.
Finding this medical advice to be unacceptable, the family retains Sentient Care for a …

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Coma Work Theory: Awakening to Inner Work

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Coma Work Videos
Coma Work Interview with Dr. Arnold Mindell – Part 1
Coma Work Interview with Dr. Arnold Mindell – Part 2

Coma Work Interview with Dr. Arnold Mindell – Part 3

Coma Work Theory: Awakening to Inner Work
Even though comatose patients may be …

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Recovery from stroke and metabolic coma

Gladys Steele, the ninety-two year old matriarch of the family suffers a stroke with accompanying high fever, and lapses into a metabolic coma.
After Sentient Care including Coma Work, she is awake and responding, though still experiencing speech impairment.
She fully recovers her speech with four more sessions.
During this work the family is overjoyed to discover wisdom and eldership, not “sickness”, emanating from her fragile condition.
A detailed description of this work is …

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Ann Jacob and Stan Tomandl

Stan Tomandl, MA, PWD (Process Work Diplomate) and Ann Jacob, BA Ed, of Coma Communication and Process Oriented Facilitation, have specialized for over 25 years in working with, researching, and teaching about people in altered consciousness: illness, dementia, traumatic brain injury, coma, grief, and other fragile and strong times in our living and dying. They are instructor and student under the mentorship of Drs. Arnold and Amy Mindell at the …

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What’s New . . . !!

COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION with Individuals in Normal, Remote, and Altered States of Consciousness ~ Workshop with Tom Richards ~ Albuquerque, NM ~ For information & registration. . .
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AWARENESS, POWER, AND PROCESS ORIENTED ACTIVISM ~ Internationally available monthly telephone conference training & supervision class with Stan Tomandl and Ann Jacob ~ For information & registration call 503-223-8188
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