Body Symptoms from Illness or Injury to Memory Loss
Sentient CareTM explores the messages, the dreaming, and the meaning contained in body symptoms including forgetfulness, short term memory loss, Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, aging; and physical body symptoms from illness to injury. All body symptoms contain messages about our lives that are trying to reach awareness. Until these messages are received and acted on, they will continue to be sent, intensify and possibly change forms to try to get through. These messages may intensify the same body symptoms over time, or they may switch into different body symptoms, or they may switch into accidents, mistakes, illnesses, pain, injuries, forgetfulness, memory loss, career difficulties or relationship issues. Working on the messages contained in body symptoms relieves the body of having to carry those messages, often providing rehabilitation, wholeness, meaning and awareness about life.
The body speaks symbolically through its symptoms, in its own unique “language”. It does this to get our attention. We can study and learn its languages and communication styles and patterns. During sentient care work we seek portals of entry into the body’s process and messages. Such portals of entry may be body experiences in the moment; the body’s symbolic language; the initial moment of injury and secondary figure(s); or dreams including earliest childhood memories or recurring dreams. All portals lead to the same underlying process at work in the moment. The object is to look for a portal that will open, and explore what’s behind it.
There are two types of symptoms: acute and chronic. In our experience this work often relieves acute symptoms spontaneously, and may sometimes help relieve and prevent recurrence of chronic symptoms, although many chronic symptoms are life long message bearers requiring continuing efforts at translation.
Also in our experience, doing this work before, during, and immediately after surgery, or as soon as possible after an accident, often promotes healing, faster and less painful recovery, and prevents relapse or recurrence.
The work unfolds layers of experiential information and can go very deep, very fast. Once a message is received it also needs to be acted on. With chronic symptoms the body responds more slowly, having to unwind unfinished business, family history and cultural issues.
Sentient CareTM is a complimentary care approach and not a substitute for medical care or other therapies. This work supports and encourages a multidimensional approach that includes most healthcare methods. Surgery, for example, is one part of the healing process, an important step, and requires pre and post operative processing to address the patient’s total dis-ease. We encourage a multidimensional approach which embraces medical and surgical interventions and attends to the underlying dis-ease.
For a detailed explanation and demonstration including self help exercises and glossary go to our new publication, The Healing Power of Awareness: How to Recover Faster and Less Painfully Using Sentient Awareness.
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One example of Sentient Care for rehabilitation after stroke