Current Events
with Individuals in Normal, Remote, and Altered States of Consciousness
Compassionate Communication means lovingly meeting someone in whatever level or state of consciousness they find themselves, and supporting them, thus making connection and enhancing awareness, while lessening the fear of loneliness, isolation, and loss of control.
This workshop will introduce two poignant experiential techniques to enhance compassionate communication from the awareness practice of Process Work developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell and …
Interview with Tom Richards, co-author of An Alzheimer’s Surprise Party
Question: Alzheimer’s disease is devastating for individuals, caregivers, and families. What message does your research have for these folks?
“Our research explores the mystery, and dispels the stigma, of Alzheimer’s dementia by revealing its potential for meaningful communication, intimate relationship, and spiritual healing. We offer hope and meaning in the midst of one of life’s scariest and most difficult processes.”
Question: How do you do that? How do you work with …